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Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Spain Day 21a - MAN Part 1 - Background and Prehistory Section

The MAN, or Museo Arqueologico Nacional (National Archeological Museum), was founded in 1867 by Isabella the second. It started with the royal collection of historical items. Its current location was finish in 1892 as a purpose built location for the museum. 

The sphinx, keeper of knowledge.

Statue of Diego Velazquez, famous Spanish painter.

Replica of the cave of Altamira.

The lobby has a great introduction to the world of history, culture, and people of the world.

It also includes a video timeline of the Earth and its history. The was an excellent display video, on a map of Spain, showing the different cultures that existed in the Iberian peninsula. It was an excellent visual primer on what the museum has to offer. 

The pre-history section of the MAN is by far one of the largest and best presented of any I have seen. I was very impressed by not only the items on display but also being blunt about what is conjecture and what is fact.

Found in the cave of Los Murcielagos are textiles from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic eras, made with esparto grass. Spain has many caves that have preserved remains and items from pre-history> The Iberian peninsula is the region with the best as well as most preserved finds of Europe.

Baskets and sandals also made from esparto grass.

Cut from schist or slate, these plaque idols from Cespedes farm are found throughout the Southwestern Iberian peninsula. Even though they look alike none have been identical. 

Throughout this section there are handy maps showing where items have been found, based n the topic of that sub-section.

A plaquette decorated with an equid, found in Castillo cave and part of the Magdalenian culture.

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