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Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Postcard of the Interwebs - 14 March 2018

Comet cause for the Mini Ice Age 16k years Ago: New research has found a likely culprit of one of our ice ages that forced those living nearer to the Northern climes to adapt and thrive.

New Antibiotic in Dirt: Who knew dirt has something we can use...several university and clinical studies over the years that's who. Now we will extract out of dirt something to fight off the latest superbugs.

Water Detected in another Solar System: By analysing starlight moving through an exoplanet's atmosphere, they not only detect water but also helium, CO2, sodium, and others based on how much the planet's atmosphere diffuses the light.

Disco lights and Pink Noise for Alzheimer: By inducing brainwave manipulation to prevent plaque in areas of the brain, this treatment could be a regular thing to forestall Alzheimer's.

Lasers to separate Liquids: Imagine the possibilities! Everything from advancements in manufacturing, ecological cleanups, and resplitting your tea from your milk because you put too much in the first time.

Exercise in Old Age Good for Immune System: Well duh but nice to know research proves it.

Your Brain decides a course of action 10 seconds before you do it: This kinda makes you think what our consciousness is doing, eh, but also what your unconscious mind is capable of.

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