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Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Postcard of the Interwebs - 12 September 2018

Indonesia Traditional Songs: This fellow is an ethnomusicologist and is traveling in Indonesia recording musicians and making them available to listen to. Cool.

Tolerance for Ambiguity leads to more Trust:  Interesting study at Brown University indicates that trust occurs more in groups that are more willing to accept uncertain outcomes.

All the Cities founded by Ancient Greece that still Exist: Very cool!

New way of Coating metal for Electronics: It bonds the platinum/gold mixture not for hardness resistance but by temperature resistance.

A Collection of Music Played at K-Mart: Seriously. For those that want a different kind of elevator music playing in the background, this guy has digitized a bucket load of tapes from the K-Mart he worked at.

Telling Depression from Bipolar: Using an MRI, the Westmead Institute can look at the neurons in the amygdala. This part of the brain reacts differently depending on the condition.
New Insulin Drug Repairs Pancreas: By regrowing the insulin making beta cells in the pancreas, it means no more insulin shots and a cheaper cost for government sponsored health care.

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