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Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Postcard of the Interwebs - 10 Dec 2014

Old Cherokee Story

Reality and imagination flow in different directions in the brain: Interesting article on further hints at how our brains work. Could lead to innovative treatments and possibly a truth detecting machine.

Find your Birth Star: Many magnitudes more scientific than astrology, type your birth year, month and day to find the star whose light started shining on Earth the day you were born. From the Joint Astronolmy center on Hawai'i,

How to make Spice Blends:

Musonius Rufus, an Early Advocate for Philosophy: A comment on having an open mind to discuss ideas and move forward with others. I'm already there but it phrases it mush better than I could.

Reading Literature is Better for our Brains and Social Interaction: An older TIME magazine article but still well said on how reading fiction makes us better people and smarter too.

Prisms used to make Computers Faster: Staford has designed an algorithm to design an object with gaps of glass and air so that it can bend light in different angles and colours of light. The application for computing is extrordinary.

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