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Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Postcard of the Interwebs - 17 Feb 2016

Choanoflagellates...The Mutation that created Multi-Cellular Life: The university of Oregon have published a paper that pinpoints the mutation six-hundred million years ago that made our single-cell protozoa ancestors benefit from cooperating. Very cool article.

Cabin footprint under 108 sq ft for ~11k: Cool article on someone building a little cabin with size restrictions.

Excel hints: Some great advice to utilise your excel program better.

Graphene can interface with Neurons: For those who know what wetware is (man-machine interface) then this article will interest you. The future will be very interesting.

Greek Teacher Manuscripts Reveal Roman Life: Many Greeks were teaching Romans and some new documents give light into the common language being taught.

Detecting Gravitational Waves: This new discovery based on Einstein's theories on gravity and how it works an be detected could spearhead many new technologies: Earthquake detection, astronomy, theoretical physics, large mass detectors...etc.

Cancer Breakthrough using Modified T Cells: Changing the bodies own T-Cells to reduce the chance of cancer cells evading destruction is innovative and currently at 94% effective on human patients with late stage leukaemia.

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