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Wednesday, 22 April 2015

NORWESCON 2015 - Saturday

Saturday was another continental breakfast and off to panels.

First was Norse Sword, Spear and Shield Combat. Moderating was Bill Gruner with A.M. Brosius, V Whitlock, Norman K. Moss, GregRobin Smith, Joseph Malik, Michael Ormes, Mir Plemmons, Maj. James Franklin (ret). I participated in the Roman combat class last year and it was a hoot. This class was no exception. They are knowledgeable and make learning this kind of combat fun. For more info on this and Roman recreation groups, go to the Castra Ferrata site here.

Then The End is Night: Dystopian SF. Moderating was Martta Murvosh with Russel Ervin, Nancy Kress, Jason Bourget and Mir Plemmons. What I found an engaging idea was that a utopia for some inevitably means a dystopian for others, which leads into all kinds of great stories of social conflict. Also gone over was the types of dystopian fiction and how the root of the cause or future of the world the characters live in can be a strong plot motivator.

After a short lunch was Visit to a Comet. Moderating was Dan Dubrick with Cathy Plesko, Alan Boyle, Chris Vancil and Dana Andrews. Special guest was Science GOH, Amy Mainzer. Interesting tidbits were that only two papers have been published from the Philae and Rosetta craft around and on comet 67p but there are forty yet to come. Also talked about were ways we can go to and divert asteroids and comets if they pose a danger or we desire to mine/explore them.

Flawed Heroes and Well-Meaning Villains was next. Moderating was Phoebe Kitanidis with Frog Jones, S.A. Bolich, Chris Charish and Diana Copland. Lots and lots of information was shared by the panelists. Standouts include using your own flaws or virtues to give something you find gad/good to generate the empathy required. Another was to not write a cardboard character by getting into the characters head; for villains have them speak from a viewpoint that they think what they are doing is good. An exercises to do this is to interview the villain in order to get the motivation for what they do. Excellent panel.

I then wandered and chatted with lots of people. Its one of the fun time wasters. Another a friend of mine did a few years ago was to go to a panel they have no interest in and be pleasantly surprised.

The last panel of my day was Science Guest of Honor, Amy Mainzer who gave a slide show on asteroids and her work so far. Tons of great information and images. A great guest to have.

After supper at Roasters, I took pictures of costumes. Saturday at NORWESCON is always the masquerade and the other people who dress up but don't participate in the contest (to be posted next).

I then wandered, chatted and popped into the concerts. Molly Lewis was especially good.

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