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Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Postcard of the Interwebs - 20 September 2018

New Alzheimer's Drug: Promising new drug, from the Technical University of Munich, has worked on animals and is soon to go to human trials with 1000 participants. Original paper is here.

Tardigrade Secrets Revealed: Imagine a tiny creature (1 mm or less) that can withstand radiation, extreme hot and cold, and can come back to life after being drained of water. Now imagine that the DNA sequence has been determined...and could have uses for life suspension (medical, space).

Evolution due to Physics: What if cells combined together in order to consume more energy and expend more of it? If you want to hear more then click as this theory will interest you.

Growing Seaweed for the Planet and Profit: Seaweed sucks up CO2, cleans the nearby water, makes it better for fish and shellfish production, and you can harvest the seaweed for commercial use too. Sounds win win.

Teaching Philosophy to Kids help them in School: In particular: math, thinking critically, and preventing totalitarianism/zealotry. Lets get schools started on it!

Good Sleep important for preventing Mental Disorders: Seems obvious to me but now its backed by testable science.

Plastic Eating Fungus Found in Trash Dump: Theorized by research it has been found in the wild. Could help decompose plastic faster than having it sit around.

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