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Friday, 24 January 2025

L'Acadie de Chezzetcook

(Delayed posting. Visited during summer 2024)

On this day I drove to West Chezzercook to visit L'Acadie de Chezzetcook, a collection of buildings mostly built in the 1800's and collected here as a living museum. There is also a new cultural centre. The organization recently bought a church and are in the process of refurbishing it for additional use by the organization and community.

    Acadians lived here before the deportation in 1755. When Acadians who were jailed on Red Island, now called Devil's Island in Halifax harbour, were freed in 1764 several were joined by Irish, Scots, Dutch, German, and British Loyalists and resettled this area. 

There is a small cafe here that serves meals, called La Cuisine de Bridgette. I had the Hodge Podge, a vegetable soup with lots of cream and butter. It brought back distant memories of meals during Acadian family gatherings.

The museum buildings have items and placards showing life in this community.

Brickmaking was one of the many small scale industries here.

Clothing and household items are also on display.

Note the difference in door heights.

I enjoyed seeing this new area and learning more about smaller Acadian communities.

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