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Monday, 17 July 2023

Spain Day 08e - Cathedral of Sevilla Part 2

The center of the cathedral with the light of stained glass playing across the pillar on the left.

Some rooms between the cathedral and the chapter house.

The chapter house, for meeting of church officials, was built during the Renaissance. 

There were some pictures that at first disturbed me until I remembered what they were for. Unlike the recent history of the United States of America, these robes (sometimes white, black, or any colour in between) are called capriote. They are worn by Spanish and Hispanic brotherhoods of penitents. They do hide the identity of the wearers but that is to prevent vanity and to be humble before the Catholic god. So the next time you see a member of the KKK wear them, mention it came from Spanish and Hispanic traditions. I'm sure they would enjoy that fact.

Knowing the background, this picture is feels equal parts cute and disturbing. It is unfortunate that a small minded and fragile group of racists have tainted the wearing of these garments for Hispanic Catholics in the USA.

Another image of the pillar with a better cascade of sunlight.

The sculpture above one of the exits.

Looking towards the frount of the cathedral roof.

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